
Thank you for your interest in ASAE. Join now with our online application or click here to download a membership application, or email the ASAE Director to request a membership application. We will process your request and contact you soon afterward to confirm your membership information.

As a member, we encourage you to volunteer for committees and support ASAE through our partnership packages.


Regular Member
(Association Executive) - $125

Associate Member
(Suppliers, Hotels, Printing Co's, Insurance, etc.) - $150


Monthly Meetings $30 each

(Special events replace Luncheon Meetings in May, July, Dec)


Maintain & Broaden Your Network - Exchange ideas, solve problems and make valuable connections with professionals from all over Arkansas at monthly meetings and special events. You will also have a personal listing in the Directory, which is a valuable tool for all ASAE members.

Save Money - As a member, you will get discounted rates for registration to all ASAE events. Who doesn't love to save money?

 Sharpen Your Skills - Stay on top of the latest ASAE news, information & updates. Gain indispensable knowledge & learn new industry-specific details by completing one of our available webinars or attending one of our educational workshops.

 Advance Your Career - Do you want to have an edge? ASAE can help with that through our Emerging Leaders Council and help earning your CAE! The CAE credential sets you apart by enhancing your marketability, increasing your earnings & showcasing your expertise.

 Find the Best Talent - Are you looking to hire a new team member? ASAE will post and highlight member openings at no charge!

Give Back - Through ASAE, you not only have the opportunity to give back to your profession, but also charity. We fundraise annually for Arkansas Sheriffs’ Youth Ranches. Other ways you can give back include: volunteering to serve on a committee or speaking at an ASAE event. Get involved & help shape the future of the ASAE!

 Be informed - In addition to a subscription to ASAE Monthly newsletter, a Salary Survey that tracks industry compensation levels and trends.