ASAE is proud to support Arkansas Sheriffs' Youth Ranches! ASAE has a tradition of giving back during the holidays. For decades, ASAE members have provided Christmas gifts for children at the Arkansas Sheriffs' Youth Ranches. If you are new to ASAE, the Ranches are a family-style foster care program and have provided children a place to call home since 1976. This year ASAE’s goal was to buy gifts for 16 kids at the Ranches and through member commitments, we filled ALL of the wish lists! Thank you to the following members and anonymous donors who committed to help this year! Your generous donations provide presents for children to unwrap on Christmas Morning. Arkansas Farm Bureau FederationArkansas Homefurnishings Association Arkansas Press Association Atrium Partners Best Management Capitol Concepts Capitol Partners Derek Rudkin EAST Staff Greg Kirkpatrick Hilton Pensacola Beach Hotel Hot Springs Jessica Dunham Kenny Hall Kelly Robbins Larry Boccarossa Lorrie Trogden Michelle Kitchens Monika Rued National Guard Association of Arkansas Stacey Ellis